Counter display cabinet
1) quartz, amethyst
2) limonite
3) baryte, calcite
4) quartz
5) calcite
6) wad (mixture of manganese oxides)
7) basalt-andesite (melaphyre)
8) opal, cacholong
9) hematite
10) veins of quartz and hematite (red)
11) azurite, malachite
12) fluorite (purple), baryte
13) door snail Laciniaria plicata – gastropod from the Clausilliidae family
14) Granaria frumentum – gastropod typical for dry grass
15) Chondrina avenacea – bare limestone walls gastropod
16) Helicigona lapicida – flat shape of the shell allows hiding in small cavities and gaps
17) Chondrina avenacea and Helicigona lapicida on limestone
18) Dead Man’s foot (Pisolithus tinctorius)