33/ Reclamation

What happens after mining has stopped

When mining operations are discontinued, the fate of the disturbed area can vary.

The basic options are as follows.


Recultivation – planned landscaping for future use, for example, covering with soil, reforesting, or preparing it for agricultural or recreational activities (natural bathing areas, golf fields, etc.).

Natural vegetation development – gradual vegetation overgrowth (‘ecological succession’), i.e., aging of the environment, usually resulting in a forest

Conservation-oriented restoration – usually means stopping the succession by appropriate management, especially regular removing of vegetation, disturbing ground surface, thus keeping the area treeless. Such localities offer a rare habitat and increase the biodiversity in the area. At the same time, they may also serve as extensive recreational places, where treading helps to maintain vegetation overgrowth.


Examples of technical recultivations:

Covering a sand quarry with humus-rich soil (Marokánka sand quarry)

Planting of pine trees (Lípa sand quarry)

Covering a sand quarry with soil and subsequent foresting (Marokánka sand quarry)


Examples of Natural vegetation Development

Overgrowth on a quarry spoil tip (Jan Šverma mine near Žacléř)

Overgrowth at the edges and walls of a quarry by early succession woody plants (oldest part of the Rožmitál quarry)

Overgrowth of a quarry wall (Kunětická hora Hill Mountain)


Examples of nature sensitive recultivation

Disturbed banks of a sand quarry pond – footpaths (Bělečský rybník)

Sandy land restoration with an excavator (Čeperka)

Extensively maintained areas (Rožmitál quarry)