20/ Photo strip above the display case

malachite (Rožmitál)

calcite in tephritic-phonolite (Kunětická hora)

quartz (Rožmitál)

wad – mixture of manganese oxides (Rožmitál)

baryte (Rožmitál)

opal, cacholong (Rožmitál)

fluorite (purple), baryte (Rožmitál)

kaolinite (Rožmitál)

limonite (Rožmitál)

gold (Podmoky)

quartz, amethyst (Rožmitál)

hematite (Rožmitál)

Common Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea)

Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria)

Field Cudweed (Filago arvensis)

Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoides)

willowherb Epilobium dodonaei

dry loving plant on skeletal soil

Sticky Catchfly (Viscaria vulgaris)

ground beetle Tachyura diabrachys

ground beetle Perileptus areolatus

ground beetle Lebia cruxminor

click beetle Zorochros meridionalis

weevil Ceutorhynchus barbareae

weevil Charagmus gressorius